Korean Beauty Mask Craze

I can’t think of anything I have been more obsessed with lately than the Korean beauty mask craze. First, they hit us with BB and CC Creams which we became fast friends with. And now this beauty mask frenzy is going strong. Korean beauty products are growing rapidly in popularity here in the States, and for very good reason. They are AWESOME!

What is so awesome about them? Korea is known to be ahead of the curve when it comes to innovative products. And did I mention that they work and they are affordable?

So in my opinion, Korean beauty products are Hot! Hot! Hot! with their ridiculously cute packaging and even funnier names.  Who wouldn’t want to use  starfish cream, or snail mucous mask? I have tried them and can vouch for the fact they are fun to use and yes, my skin does glow after using them. What’s not to love?

Here is a great site to see just how much Koreans love their beauty products.

You think you have too many steps in your beauty regimen, think again! Most Korean ladies have a 10 step beauty regimen, and use up to 20 products a day! You can be sure that they wouldn’t dream of going to bed with their make-up on!

The best news is that some of my favorites will be coming soon to sfskincare.com!

Cheers to great skin!
